Welcome to "ri-inventing rita"....

The four places that have marked me as an individual, an artist, a writer and most definitely as a woman are the following and in this order of sequence: Italy, Canada, Haiti, Egypt. The experiences that I have lived in each of these countries are so much a part of me that I can't identify their exact influences. But they helped shape my philosophy for my life which I try to live by. Mind you, I don't always succeed. "I am what I think about." True to this belief, I have a tendency to over-think. What a waste of time and effort!

Although I try hard to learn from my past and I constantly plan for my future, I remind myself every day to choose to live in the present moment. This moment is all we have. Since beauty and art are the same for me, by looking for the beauty of the moment, I live the art of it. So all becomes art. I think about art. I am art.

Artist, Writer, Renaissance Woman

Welcome to "ri-inventing rita"! My family used to call me "Ri" and some people close to me still do. Here you'll find the art work and writings of rita maselli.
Born in a tiny village in Southern Italy, Pietracatella, I immigrated to Montreal, Canada; lived most of my life in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and 8 years ago settled in Cairo, Egypt.
Geographically, I have returned almost to where I was born. But what an incredible journey it has been. I share with you some of that journey through my art work and my writing.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Line Ink Drawings

These line drawings are done with India ink using a pen; the touch of color comes commercial ink.

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